1. Calvin von Prufen ( SOLD )
  2. 11/30/2018
  3. 15.0
  4. $15,000.00
  5. Super Dog Professionally Trained Small Size With Big Heart Kid Friendly Parent Approved
  6. Small , Mighty and Sweet, Sweet, Sweet !


    2. Calvin is the perfect combination of fun and happy with calm control.  He is a very well bred, super well raised dog with excellent manners in the home. He LOVES to travel and is just a joy to be around.  Always up for a game of fetch, tolerant of dogs in the home. Good with the kids. What else does this guy have ? Confidence ! He is a far cry from anything you'd expect out of a small dog. Dont let his tough exterior fool you. What makes Calvin so wonderful is his kind and attentive soul. At home he'll be your little shadow, always ready to curl up in your lap to cuddle. 

    Calvin has a lot of fun tricks to keep you entertained, that along with his wonderful, effortless obedience make him the perfect choice for most families.  If you are looking for a playful, fun companion, that is very loyal, willing to please and easy to care for then this is your dog.  Combine all that with his small dog "DBH" Big Dog Heart, and you have a perfect, home raised, small dog that is safe, reliable and will be a joy to own.  

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Calvin is just one of the super cool young small dogs we have in development here at Dream Dog Sales. The Sister company of Protection Dog Sales. DDS is using the exact same training methodologies that has made PDS the world leader in personal protection dogs and have been wildly successful in developing small dogs with "BDH" Big Dog Heart. Typically small dogs are nervous and neurotic because of many factors. Utilizing decades of practical experience in building character we have developed a method of raising small dogs that produces happy, bold, loving and fun companion dogs that travel well, accept strangers, are kind and gentle with children and FUN, FUN, FUN to come play with and work with.They really are a dream come true for anyone that loves dogs.
  In short Calvin is all that and a bag of chips.  We love him and you will too. 
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